The present volume of our Journal introduces a panorama of the variety of research concerning Translation in the Portuguese Speaking World. Despite the claim of our Guest Editors, Thomas Sträter and Marcel Vejmelka that the volume they so carefully edited, is not an exaustive survey of the theory and practice of Translation, the present issue, nonetheless, offers an overdue range of analyses and approaches which summarize both the difficulties and rewards of those who dare to serve as intermediaries in this essential dialogue of cultures, even more so nowadays, when insularity threatens to disrupt necessary channels of communication between languages. Translations are bridges in a world of increasing walls.
Guest Editors
Élide Valarini Oliver
Professor of Brazilian and Comparative Literature
Director of the Center for Portuguese Studies
University of California, Santa Barbara
Assistant Editor
Patrícia Lino, Ph.D.
Luso-Brazilian Literature, Culture, and Cinema
University of California, Santa Barbara